"How to Ensure Earthquake Safety in High-Rise Buildings: Special Considerations"

High-rise buildings can experience amplified seismic forces. Know the specific risks associated with tall structures during earthquakes.

Understanding High-Rise Risks

Familiarize yourself with the building's evacuation plans and escape routes, and participate in drills to ensure you know what to do in an emergency.

Evacuation Plans

Avoid using elevators during an earthquake, as they may malfunction. Use stairwells for safe evacuation.

Elevator Use

Ensure heavy items, like furniture and appliances, are securely anchored to prevent them from toppling during shaking.

Secure Heavy Objects

Store a 72-hour emergency kit in your apartment, including water, non-perishable food, flashlights, and first-aid supplies.

Emergency Supplies

Move away from windows to avoid potential glass shattering during an earthquake. Take cover under sturdy furniture if available.

Stay Away from Windows

If you can't take cover under furniture, protect your head and neck by crouching next to an interior wall, away from windows, mirrors, and glass

Brace for Impact

Establish a communication plan with family or roommates to ensure you can check on each other's safety and well-being.

Communication Plan

Report any structural issues or damages in the building promptly to building management to prevent potential hazards.

Building Maintenance

Participate in building-wide earthquake safety programs and discussions, and encourage your neighbors to do the same for a safer high-rise living environment.

Community Involvement

